Selecting, Developing, and Leading Good People

Executive Coaching Core Concept

The Three Dimensions of People

Character/Values – The best people for your team are “good people,” those whose character and values align with your team’s character and values.
Natural Ability – People whose natural abilities complement the role they play on your team will have more fun, be more productive and will have a positive influence on the culture you build.
Skills – Skills are the least important dimension to consider when selecting team members. You can always train for skills.

Leadership in Action

Repetition with opportunity to learn from failure is the most important ingredient of leadership growth – NOT TIME! We believe that everyone has leadership capacity and that their growth potential is determined by that capacity.

We focus on increasing leadership capacity of team members by helping them move through the 5 levels of leadership competence.

Contact us today for a consultation and start transforming your business

Failure is an opportunity to learn